Attract others by behaviour.

 How to influence/control other person?

  • First time you see a stranger and then you want to make them friend. In this situation behave casually and "SAY,Hi".                                                          
  • Then you saw that same person second time behave like "EXCITED TO SEE THEM AND SAY Hi".                                   
  • If you are in group discussion,you want to influence that group of people,then "BECOME INTROVERT AND WAIT FOR THE OPPORTUNITY THEY WANT TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR SUGGESTIONS".                                           
  • Generally, you want to control other, when they are speak with you "SHAKE YOUR HEAD GENTLY".                              
  • If you want another person's work, then put "PLEASE WORD AT THE END OF THE STATEMENT".
For eg; Pick me at 5 P.M, Please!
  • If you in public speaking"HAVE A WATER CANE WITH YOU"

Reason: If you forget any concepts you will manage the public by drinking water.
  • If any person talk with you unnecessarily,"LISTEN THEIR FOREHEAD SHARPLY" it will distract them from speaking.                                    
  • Finally,if you want to make a new friend"MADE A CONVERSATION WHICH RELATES TO HIS INTERSTS"

"Best of luck for making new relationship"


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